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When you complete this course you will be ready for a career in business. This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of Business Services job roles. It is likely that these individuals are establishing their own work performance.

You will have the skills and...

Gain the skills and knowledge required to develop spreadsheets through the use of both cloud-based and non-cloud based spreadsheet applications.

This skill set is ideal for individuals employed in a range of environments who tend to be personally responsible for designing and working...

When you complete this course course, you will be ready for a career in business. This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of Business Services job roles. These individuals may have supervisory performance accountabilities.

Individuals in these roles carry out a...

This qualification reflects the role of individuals developing the necessary skills in preparation for work in entry-level Business Services job roles.

When you complete this course you will have the skills and knowledge to carry out a range of basic procedural, clerical,...

This qualification would suit candidates wishing to work towards becoming qualified for bookkeeping job roles in financial services and other industries requiring bookkeeping support functions.

Computerised accounting units include MYOB software.

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who have a range of well-developed hospitality service, sales or operational skills and sound knowledge of industry operations. Using discretion and judgement, they work with some independence and under supervision using plans, policies and...

When you complete this course you will be ready for a career in the accounting industry in roles such as BAS Agents and contract bookkeepers; and of those employees performing bookkeeping tasks for organisations in a range of industries.

You will have the skills and knowledge to...