South Regional TAFE has begun its new 2022-24 Strategic Plan which will guide the college to achieve its purpose of ‘building our community today, for tomorrow’ with a vison ‘focused on creating a learning experience to inspire success'.
The new strategic plan is aimed to refresh, re-invigorate and re-centre the college’s training and delivery. It is student-centred, with diverse learners to be supported and celebrated.
With a goal of creating a learning experience to inspire success, the college will do this by focussing on the Plan’s strategic themes of:
- being student centred, while also being demand driven
- using strong oversight, measures, and stability to ensure the sustainable performance of the college
- ensuring that we value our people through fostering an environment of inclusivity, innovation, and collaboration.
South Regional TAFE Strategic Plan 2022-24 (opens in a new tab)
A one page 'Strategic Snapshot' poster highlights the college vision, as well the strategic themes and values, of the plan.