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AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture

AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture

National ID AHC20122 State ID BJB6
Open the gate to a career in Agriculture

Our Certificate II in Agriculture provides a general introduction to agriculture skills and techniques.



Campus Manjimup

When All year round

Study Mode Traineeship

If you are interested in gaining hands-on agricultural training, this program is designed for you. Our Certificate II in Agriculture provides a general introduction to agriculture skills and techniques. This qualification enables individuals to select a livestock production, cropping or livestock context as a job focus or, in the case of mixed farming enterprises, both cropping and livestock.

South Regional TAFE is transitioning this qualification to the new training package in 2025. If your preferred campus is not list, check the previous course page Certificate II in Agriculture | South Regional TAFE. Students will be enrolled into the new units developed to meet current and future industry needs. Fees may vary for courses transitioning to the new training package. 

Important information

Select your preferred campus and apply

All year round, 2025


Duration 2 Semesters
When All year round, 2025
Where Manjimup
How SB Traineeship - Workplace


Not all units and study modes are offered at all campuses. Please check with your local campus.


National ID Unit title
AHCWHS202 Participate in workplace health and safety processes
AHCWRK211 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHCWRK212 Work effectively in industry
AHCWRK213 Participate in workplace communications


National ID Unit title
AHCBIO204 Follow site biosecurity procedures
AHCCHM201 Apply chemicals under supervision
AHCINF206 Install, maintain and repair farm fencing
AHCLSK202 Care for health and welfare of livestock
AHCLSK204 Carry out regular livestock observation
AHCLSK205 Handle livestock using basic techniques
AHCLSK206 Identify and mark livestock
AHCLSK209 Monitor water supplies
AHCLSK210 Muster and move livestock
AHCLSK211 Provide feed for livestock
AHCMOM203 Operate basic machinery and equipment
AHCPHT215 Plant horticultural crops

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